Soon after, several players in Group B joined the blunderfest. Nils Grandelius completely overlooked 13...Ne4? 14.Qxe5! against Predrag Nikolic, but Arkadij Naiditsch topped them all with the inexplicable 21...Bxh5? 22.Bxh5 handing the point to Robin
Round 10 and 11 saw the Cheng Express do what’s best and win. In round ten he beat Ikeda to take the title a full point ahead of his closest rivals. Ly had a good win against Johansen and Khenkin won against Li Zuhao. Round 11 Ly and Cheng held for a 19 move draw which secured him the title. occasionally upset by blunders that only can be explained in one way: Wijk aan Zee fatigue. The first player to drop a piece was Hou Yifan, who blundered a piece in a worse endgame against Levon Aronian, chasing a perpetual check that didn't exist. Instead of recapturing the e5-pawn, Black played 25...Rxa2? only to realize that after 26.Kb1 Rxf2 27.exd6 Rb7 28.Ka1 the intended 28...Rb6 with the idea Ra6 doesn't work after 29.Rd2.
Cheng had received a half-point bye in the first round, and conceded only one draw to GM Zhao in the next nine games. His 90% result from the ten games played gave him a 2660 tournament performance rating. He and Ikeda scored IM norms. Cheng didn't have a chance to play the third grandmaster in the tournament, so he missed the GM norm his performance would otherwise have given him.
Round 8 - Official website report
While a fierce snow storm battered Wijk aan Zee, inside De Moriaan the audience was treated to a quiet round
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