USA (exact occasion?)
1 f4 f5 2 e4 fxe4 3 f5 Nf6 4 Be2 h5 5 Nh3 d5 6 O-O Qd6 7 Nf4 Bxf5 8 Nxh5 Bg6 9 Nxf6+ exf6 10 h3 Qg3 11 Bg4 Bc5+ 12 Kh1 Bd6 13 Kg1 Qh2+ 14 Kf2 f5 15 Be2 and Black gave mate in seven. However, our computer offers 15…e3+ 16 Kxe3 Qe5+ and mate in three more moves.
Source: Deutsche Schachzeitung, June 1872, page 167.
Thomas Niessen (Aachen, Germany) now notes that the game was given in the Philadelphia Evening Bulletinon 22 July 1870. Reichhelm’s column stated that it was played at the Schu[e]tzen Halle in Philadelphia, and he called the opening the ‘Gambit Philadelphienne’ [sic].
Our correspondent adds that on 15 July 1870 the column in the Bulletin had published, without details of the occasion, another game with the same opening, the players being Huch and Bode:
1 f4 f5 2 e4 fxe4 3 f5 Nf6 4 Be2 d5 5 Bh5+ Nxh5 6 Qxh5+ Kd7 7 Nc3 c6 8 b4 b5 9 a4 Ba6 10 Nge2 e6 11 fxe6+ Kxe6 12 Nd4+ Ke7 13 O-O bxa4
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